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随着我国经济的发展和人民生活水平的进一步提高,城乡一体化日趋完善。实行节能减排、实施惠农政策、关注农民生活、发展农业生产、改善农村生活条件等社会主义新农村建设问题已经成为全社会的关注焦点。阜阳市积极建设社会主义新农村,落实循环农业以及可再生能源的应用,在秸秆综合利用上做了许多积极的工作。然而农村劳动力短缺、农民环保意识淡薄等因素,造成了农户大量焚烧秸秆、政府屡禁不止的局面。在现有的经济技术条件下,农户焚烧秸秆不能简单归结于农民环保意识淡薄和政府查禁力度不够,但此举确实对环境和社会生活造成了种种危害。秸秆焚烧问题仍然严重困扰着阜阳地区。农作物秸秆的综合利用是保护生态环境、节约可再生资源的需要,也可缓解农村饲料、肥料、燃料和工业原料的紧张状况,促进农业可持续发展。 With the economic development in our country and the further improvement of people’s living standards, the integration of urban and rural areas is perfecting day by day. The issue of building a new socialist countryside such as implementing energy conservation and emission reduction, implementing the policy of benefiting the peasants, focusing on the peasants’ living, developing agricultural production, and improving rural living conditions has become the focus of the whole society. Fuyang City, actively building a new socialist countryside, the implementation of recycling agriculture and renewable energy applications, in the comprehensive utilization of straw to do a lot of positive work. However, due to the shortage of labor force in rural areas and the weak awareness of environmental protection among peasants, peasants have caused a great deal of burning of straw and the government has repeatedly banned the situation. Under the current economic and technological conditions, the incineration of straw by farmers can not simply be attributed to the lack of environmental awareness among farmers and the deterrent efforts by the government, but the move has indeed caused various environmental and social harms. The problem of straw burning still plagued Fuyang area. The comprehensive utilization of crop straws is to protect the ecological environment and save the need of renewable resources. It can also ease the tension of rural feed, fertilizer, fuel and industrial raw materials and promote the sustainable development of agriculture.
目的通过测定血清胱抑素C(Cys C)、尿微量白蛋白排泄率(UAER)观察盐酸贝那普利片联合金水宝对早期糖尿病肾病患者的疗效。方法将2014年7月~2015年12月我院108例早期糖尿病肾病患
轨道式集装箱龙门起重机具有跨距大、行走距离长、堆场作业覆盖面大, 以及无需柴油机发电机组, 运行维修成本低的特点, 在港口应用越来越广泛.
<正>欧盟委员会本周三(2020年3月4日)提议,将《欧洲绿色协议》(European Green Deal)在2050年前实现碳中和的承诺写入立法,这表明了欧盟对气候行动和政策的高度关注。根据欧