
来源 :新黄河 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacklong1234
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各位同志,各位来宾:一九五○年治黄工作会议,是黄河统一后的首次会议。我以无限的热情欢迎大家,以无比的信心预祝大会胜利!同志们!一九五○年将随着战争胜利的结束,中国人民已有可能把主要力量逐步转入和平建设,黄河建设亦将随着中央人民政府的成立和全国的经济建设的高潮,在现有的基础上步入和平建设的新局面!一九五○年治黄工作会议从黄河本身来讲,不但有他的重大历史意义,而且是新黄河建设的开端。我们在过去四年岁月中,我们治黄工作者过去由于战争和政治关系,专家和工程师们不能参加人民治黄事业,今天我们能在团结愉快的气氛中,济济一堂,共商黄河工作,上与全国解放胜利分不开的 Comrades, distinguished guests, guests: The 1905 Yellow Work Conference was the first meeting after the reunification of the Yellow River. I welcome everyone with infinite enthusiasm and wish you victory with immense confidence! Comrades! With the end of the war in 1950, the Chinese people may have gradually transferred their major forces to peace building. The construction of the Yellow River is also With the establishment of the Central People’s Government and the upsurge of economic construction throughout the country, we will enter a new phase of peacebuilding on an existing basis. In the 1950s, the Yellow River Work Conference was not only of great importance to the Yellow River itself. Historical significance, but also the beginning of the new Yellow River construction. During the past four years, we have been working on the Yellow River. In the past, due to war and political relations, experts and engineers could not participate in the people’s ambition to cure the Yellow River. Today we can gather together in an atmosphere of unity and happiness to discuss the work of the Yellow River. The liberation of the country is inseparable