Field surveys were conducted on three soil animal species sampled from Nanfeng County for more than 20 years in Orangery (sample A), farmland conversion Orangery (sample B) and Barren Hill conversion Orangery (sample C). A total of 1035 soil animal were captured, belonging to 4 classes, 9 classes, 26 orders, 97 families and 141 species. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of soil fauna community structure, diversity, horizontal distribution and vertical distribution of the three types of Nanfeng orange orchard. Acaraina, Araneae and Dorylaimida were the dominant groups in the three groups. The diversity index was: A> B> C; dominance C> B> A; similar Sex index analysis A and C the similarity between the smallest. From the soil profile analysis point of view, with a clear surface aggregation, and surface> upper> middle> lower.