浙江 省临安市马啸信用社地处浙皖交界的革命老区 ,是一个经济发展滞后、交通不便的欠发达乡 ,肩负着16个村、109个组、3054个农户的信贷业务。该社紧紧围绕支农工作重心 ,四年累计发放小额农户贷款4178笔 ,金额达4330万元 ,贷款期限一般为3—6个月 ,到目前
Zhejiang Province Lin’an Ma Xiao Credit Cooperative is located in the old revolutionary base areas at the junction of Zhejiang and Anhui Province and is an underdeveloped rural area with lagging economic development and inaccessible transportation. It shoulders the credit business of 16 villages, 109 groups and 3,054 farmers. The center closely around the focus of agricultural support work, four years, a total of 4178 loans granted to small farmers, the amount of 43.3 million yuan, the loan period is generally 3-6 months, up to now