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《避暑录话》(以下简称《录话》)是宋人叶梦得(1077—1148)继《石林燕语》之后撰写的又一部史料笔记.《石林燕语》一书,向为史家所重视,刊行不久,玉山江应辰即撰《<石林燕语>辨》,继而成都字文绍奕又著有《<石林燕语>考异》.近几年来,随着海内外宋史研究的活跃与不断深入,此书更受到宋史研究工作者的重视.1985年,中华书局将其点校整理,纳入唐宋史料笔记丛刊出版.相比之下,作为《石林燕语》姊妹篇的《录话》则似未受到应有的重视.至今既无研究专文刊行,又无新的整理点校本问世.故笔者不揣浅陋,就《录话》的成书年代、版刻流传、史料价值略加考述,并就其主要的史事记载疏误作些订正,聊作对此书研究之补白,以就教于方家. “Summer Notes” (hereinafter referred to as “recorded words”) is another historical material note written by Song Ye Mengde (1077-1148) after “Shilin Yan”. , Published soon, Yushan Jiang Ying Chen that “Shi Lin Yan language” identified, and then the word in Shaoxing, Chengdu, there are “test Shilin Lin language> test difference.” In recent years, with the Song Dynasty at home and abroad and the active research and The book is even more attention by researchers in Song history.In 1985, Zhonghua Book Company edited its point school into the series of historical notes and notes in the Tang and Song Dynasties.In contrast, Words “seems to have not received the attention it deserves. So far, there is no research monograph published, there is no new school finishing school come out. Therefore, I do not speculate shallow, on the” record "into the book age, engraved engraved, a little historical value , And made some corrections to the omissions in the main historical records, chatting about the research on this book, so as to teach to Fang’s family.
城市空间  “他们没啥意思,就窝在屋里喝点小酒,要不就睡觉。现在天冷了,连上外边遛弯都不去了。哪像我们,大家一起唱唱歌,多有趣。”小孙扭头看看老郑,笑着问了句“是不”。老郑咧嘴嘿嘿笑,点点头没说话。  在浑河北岸的沈阳新世界会展中心工地的宿舍里,来自四川的老乡二人,刚参加完合唱队的排练。尽管离新年还有差不多两个月,小孙说合唱队已经在排练节目,准备在工地晚会上表演。宿舍外面,是正在建筑中的几幢高楼,
阶段考试结束以后,还要上两节课才到放学的时间,谷老师要到办公室里批卷子,就让大家到操场上自由活动。  王小天是最喜欢自由活动的。自由活动多好哇!可以练双杠、可以踢足球、可以丢沙包、可以跳房子……总之,自由活动是非常自由的,想玩儿什么就能玩儿什么。  这一次的自由活动,王小天想玩儿官兵捉强盗的游戏。  他找来杜飞鹏和金豆豆,又找来路小路和李好好,可是他们四个人都不愿意扮演强盗,就想当官兵。没办法,王