Located in Jianshan County, southwest of Liaoning Province, in the high mountainous northern part of the country, in order to solve the difficulty of heating in rural schools in winter, a large solar house was built in 1987. The solar house has a building area of 268m~2. There are six classrooms and can accommodate 200 students. More than one name. The winter measurements show that, in the absence of any additional heating facilities, in the coldest January, the monthly average room temperature of the solar house is 12.2°C, the mean daytime is 14.8°C, and the highest temperature day, the room temperature at noon reaches 22°C, and the lowest temperature day The nighttime temperature is 9°C, which is 20.4-27°C higher than the outdoor temperature, which is 18.6°C higher than the average cold room temperature. Guaranteed that students can learn without going to school.