“想起那天夜班发生的一幕,我现在依然感到很后怕,违章操作让我幡然醒悟……”中煤平朔集团有限公司安太堡露天矿在各生产班组职工中广泛开展了“讲述我的违章故事”活动。1 5时30分又是每周安全例会时间,该班虎班重型卡车司机陈新贵正在交接班室向工友讲述发生在自己身上的痛苦经历。“去年冬天的一个夜班,我驾驶7305#卡车行驶在矿坑东1420升坡土场时,发现驾驶室水温仪表突然升高,并发出刺耳的警报声,我慌忙把卡车停稳,走出驾驶室检查水箱防冻液时,由于心急,没有按照《安全技术操作规程》先释放水箱压力,后打开水箱盖,属于严重违章操作。我直接用右手拧
”I think of the night shift occurred that day, I still feel very scared, illegal operations let me wake up ... “ Coal Pingshuo Group Co., Ltd. Antaibal open pit mine in the production team workers in a wide range of ”about My illegal story “activity. 15:30 Another regular meeting of the security weekly time, the class Tiger heavy truck driver Chen Xinyang is the transfer room to workers about their painful experience. ”One night shift last winter, when I was driving a 7305 # truck onto a 1420-h soil slope in the pit, I found a sudden rise in cockpit water temperature and a jarring siren. I hurriedly stopped the truck out of the cab Check the tank antifreeze, due to impatience, did not follow the “safety technical procedures” first release tank pressure, after opening the water tank cover, is a serious illegal operation .I direct wrench