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[目的]分析流感样病例的流行特点,为流感防控措施提供依据。[方法]对2005年10月至2009年12月章丘市流感哨点医院监测资料和2009年8~12月病原学检测资料进行分析。[结果]2005年10月至2009年12月,哨点医院各门诊累计报告流感样病例6 370例,占同期门诊就诊病人总数185 479例的3.43%。流感样病例所占比例,2005年10月至2009年3月4个监测年度流行季节分别为2.32%、2.87%、3.82%、2.93%,2009年5~12月为3.74%;儿科门诊为5.07%,儿科急诊为6.43%,内科门诊为0.17%,内科急诊(包括发热门诊)为8.11%;10月至次年3月分别为2.37%、2.81%、3.27%、3.98%、3.50%、2.70%,2009年5~12月分别为2.73%、3.14%、2.57%、1.18%、5.61%、6.66%7、.41%、5.29%。2009年8~12月采集流感样病人咽拭子228份,检出流感病毒78株,阳性率为34.21%,其中季节性流感病毒H3型50株,H1型1株,甲型未分型6株,B型2株,甲型H1N1型19株。[结论]章丘市2005~2009年流感流行季节哨点医院门诊就诊病人总数中流感样病例所占比例比较平稳,2009年8~12月季节性流感病毒H3型和甲型H1N1型流感病毒为优势病毒株。 [Objective] To analyze the epidemic characteristics of influenza-like cases and provide the basis for influenza prevention and control measures. [Method] The monitoring data of sentinelly sentinel hospital in Zhangqiu City from October 2005 to December 2009 and the etiological detection data from August to December in 2009 were analyzed. [Results] From October 2005 to December 2009, 6 370 cases of influenza-like illness were reported in the outpatient departments of sentinel hospitals, accounting for 3.43% of the 185 479 cases of outpatient visits in the same period. The proportion of flu-like cases was 2.32%, 2.87%, 3.82%, 2.93% respectively in the four monitoring years from October 2005 to March 2009, 3.74% in May-December 2009 and 5.07 in pediatric outpatients %, Pediatric emergency department was 6.43%, medical clinic was 0.17%, medical emergency (including fever clinic) was 8.11%; from October to next March were 2.37%, 2.81%, 3.27%, 3.98%, 3.50%, 2.70 % From May to December 2009 were 2.73%, 3.14%, 2.57%, 1.18%, 5.61%, 6.66% 7, .41% and 5.29% respectively. Eighty-eight swabs of influenza-like patients were collected from August to December in 2009, and 78 influenza viruses were detected, the positive rate was 34.21%, including 50 strains of H3 virus of seasonal influenza virus, 1 strain of H1, 1 of type A 2 strains of type B, 19 strains of type A H1N1. [Conclusion] The proportion of flu-like cases among the total number of outpatients in the outpatient department of influenza epidemic seasons in sentinel hospitals from 2005 to 2009 in Zhangqiu City was relatively stable. The seasonal flu virus H3 and H1N1 influenza viruses from August to December 2009 were Advantageous strains.
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