东北亚研究论丛十 黄洪宪《壬午皇华集》校注

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黄洪宪(1541—1600年),浙江嘉兴守御千户所,军籍,嘉兴县人。号蔡阳,甲辰生,隆庆五年辛未科(张元忭榜)第二甲第二名,授编修,少詹事,庚子卒。取自多洛肯《明代浙江进士研究》附录之《明代浙江进士名录与小传》,上海古籍出版社2004年7月,345页。“壬午”指万历十年,即1582年。本书以北大图书馆所藏《皇华集》(即四库全书甲寅本)为底本,以台湾珪庭出版社影印八册本及凤凰出版社《足本皇华集》中的其他版本为参校本,并在前人的基础上增加了新的参校版本,即浙江省图书馆所藏黄洪宪《壬午皇华集》(后文称浙图本)。浙图本 Huang Hongxian (1541-1600), Zhejiang Jiaxing keep a thousand households, military, Jiaxing County. No. Cai Yang, A Chen Sheng, Long Qing five years Xin Wei Branch (Zhang Yuan 忭 list) Second A second place, grant editing, less Zhan things, Boxer death. From Dorothy “Zhejiang Ming Dynasty Zhejiang Jinshi study” appendix of “Ming Dynasty Zhejiang jinshi directory and biography”, Shanghai ancient books publishing house in 2004 July, 345 pages. “Renwu ” Wanli ten years, that is, 1582 years. The book to the Peking University Library collection “Huang Hua Ji” (ie Sikuquanshu Jiayin this) as the basis, to Taiwan’s Court Press eight copies and Phoenix Press “Era” in other editions For the school, and based on the predecessors added a new version of the school, that is, the Zhejiang Provincial Library Huang Hongxian “Wang Renwu Huang Hua set” (hereinafter referred to as Zhejiang map). Zhejiang map this