1 材料和方法 1.1 材料 源于滨州医学院附属医院病理科和滨州地区人民医院病理科,胃良性病变47例均为胃大部切除标本,其中慢性消化性溃疡40例,慢性萎缩性胃炎5例,胃息肉2例。 1.2 方法 标本均经100mL/L的福尔马林固定,参照文献[1]方法取材,即沿胃小弯幽门切端至贲门切端全长取一长条并按顺序编号,胃窦大弯、体大弯、窦前后壁、体前后壁分别取材,病变处另取材,每例取材12~14块,常规处理组织,石蜡包埋切片,HE染色,光镜观察。用CMIAS多功能真彩色图象分析系统对不同部位粘膜肌厚度作了测量,对粘膜肌相应部位的粘膜病变重新作了观察分型,选择部分病例做了网状纤维(Gordon and Sweet法)和VG染色。 另对5例早期胃癌标本也按上述取材方法做了多处取材,以观察其粘膜肌的改变,并与胃良性病变的粘膜肌改变作了比较。 统计学处理 采用t检验。
1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Materials from the Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College Department of Pathology and Binzhou People’s Hospital of Pathology, gastric benign lesions in 47 cases were subtotal gastrectomy specimens, including chronic peptic ulcer in 40 cases, 5 cases of chronic atrophic gastritis , Gastric polyps in 2 cases. 1.2 Methods The specimens were fixed by 100mL / L formalin, reference literature [1] method of drawing, that is, along the lesser curvature of the pyloric end to the full length of the cardia to take a long strip and sequentially numbered, large gastric antrum, body Before and after the anterior and posterior sinus, the anterior and posterior wall of the anterior and posterior sinus were taken separately, and the lesion was taken separately. Each sample was taken from 12 to 14, routinely processed and paraffin embedded sections were observed by HE staining and light microscopy. The CMIAS multifunctional true color image analysis system was used to measure the thickness of mucosal muscle in different parts. The mucosal lesions of mucosal muscle were observed and classified again. Some cases were made of Gordon and Sweet VG staining. The other 5 cases of early gastric cancer specimens were also taken according to the above methods were taken in order to observe the change of mucosal muscle and gastric mucosal lesions compared with benign lesions were compared. Statistical analysis using t test.