
来源 :中学历史教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiwoba1215
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天地万物一阴一阳,红尘人寰一男一女,男人与女人是永恒的话题。母系氏族社会时期,人知其母而不知其父。但随着女子在社会生活中的贡献渐渐小于男子,社会性别结构向男主女从过渡,女性成了附属角色。在中国古代长期存在的以男性为中心的阶级社会里,男尊女卑的思想占据统治地位,加之儒家“三纲五常”“三从四德”等钳制妇女的礼法制度,禁锢了女性的自由发展, All things in heaven and earth are yin and yang. Red and white people are married to a man and a woman. Men and women are eternal topics. Maternal clan society, people know their mothers and do not know their father. However, as the contribution of women in social life gradually becomes less than that of men, the gender structure transitions from male to female, and women become subordinate roles. In the long-standing male-centered class society in ancient China, the male-dominated mind occupies a dominant position. In addition, Confucianism’s “three principles and five regulars” and “three to four virtues” restraint women’s ritual and law systems and impede women’s free development.
美国黑人民权运动领袖马丁·路德·金的三个子女为争夺父亲遗产对簿公堂,日前终于告一段落。  马丁·路德·金三个子女争夺的是父亲生前最珍视的两样物品:1964年获得的诺贝尔和平奖奖章和随身携带的《圣经》。这两件物品目前都在女儿伯尼斯·金手上。伯尼斯的兄弟德克斯特·金和马丁·路德·金三世请求法官下令伯尼斯交出这两样物品。据报道,三人曾在1995年达成协议,将父亲的许多物品交由马丁·路德·金财产公司保管。