美国硼酸盐公司所属比利(Billie)硼矿位于加利福尼亚州费尔勒斯克利克(Furnace Creek)东南15公里处,在死亡谷(Death Valley)国家纪念馆境内,1981年投产。 ABC有四个开采和加工硬硼钙石和硼钠方解石的生产中心。由比利矿地采出的硬硼钙石被运至拉斯罗普选矿厂进行分选和煅
The US boric acid company Billie B is located 15 kilometers southeast of Furnace Creek, California, and was commissioned in 1981 at the National Memorial in Death Valley. ABC has four production centers for the mining and processing of cecalite and boro-natrium calcite. Cobblestone taken from the Billy mine was transported to Laspeyr concentrator for sorting and calcination