国家科委安排河北省科委组织三人赴巴基斯坦考察松树生长和种子生产。主要目的是考察喜马拉雅白皮松(Pinus ge-rardiana Wall)的生长和种子生产情况,为河北引种该树种提供技术依据。考察团自1990年10月22日出访,至11月9日回国,历时19天。在巴国家林研所考察期间,有森林学、木材学、昆虫学和
State Science and Technology Commission arranged three members of Hebei Science and Technology Commission went to Pakistan to study pine growth and seed production. The main purpose is to investigate the growth and seed production of Pinus ge-rardiana Wall in Hebei and to provide a technical basis for the introduction of this species in Hebei. The delegation visited Taiwan on October 22, 1990 and returned to China on November 9, which lasted 19 days. During the visit of the National Forest Research Institute in Pakistan, there are forest science, timber science, entomology and