
来源 :真空与低温 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lightning111
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通过传热分析,建立浴油调温型热真空模拟器各环节的换热模型。在已建立的换热子模型基础上运用稳态增进的方法,将各环节进行迭代联动,得出试验试件在整体试验操作作用下的温度响应曲线。根据试件的温度响应曲线,提出适当油温预判值策略,优化控温操作。该控温策略通过验证,具有明显缩短试验中温度响应时间的效果。 Through the heat transfer analysis, the establishment of a bath oil thermostat-type vacuum simulator all aspects of the heat transfer model. Based on the established heat transfer submodel, steady-state incremental method was used to iteratively link all the steps, and the temperature response curve of the test specimen under the overall experimental operation was obtained. According to the temperature response curve of the specimen, the appropriate pre-judgment strategy of oil temperature is put forward to optimize the temperature control operation. This temperature control strategy is validated to have the effect of significantly shortening the temperature response time of the test.
聚酰亚胺(PI)薄膜广泛用于航天器热控多层和大型展开结构中,但在空间紫外辐射环境下,其力学性能会发生退化.在近紫外和远紫外辐射环境下,对均苯型PI 薄膜力学性能退化规律及退
新课标下的数学不仅注意到教材与生活的联系,更注意课堂与生活的联系,注重课堂生活化,知识生活化,运用也生活化,也就是注重生活与课堂的融合,所以数学课堂要有生活的气息,蕴涵着新的要素,突出表现在以下几点。  一、“找一找”数学无处不在  在教学过程中要体现出数学的生活化,学现实生活中有价值的数学。在教师的教学中应多让学生到生活中去“找”、去“想”,真切地感受到“生活中处处有数学”。如一年级学《统计》时