习题教学是生物学教学的重要组成部分,习题讲评除遵循一般的教学规律外,还应突出以下特点:1、要突出针对性,解决典型错误,切忌就错论错习题讲评一般不是很注重知识的系统性和完整性,而是强调针对性。针对学生在解题时普遍出现的典型错误,讲评时应注重帮助学生找出导致错误出现的根本原因,找出其解题的思路、方法和规律,切忌就错论错。如某生物其精子细胞中 DNA 的含量为 a,则其初级精母细胞中 DNA 的含量为[B]A.2aB.4a C.a D.3a。本题最易选错的是[A]。造成上述错误的根本原因是对减数分裂过程中染色体和 DNA 数量变化的特点
Exercises teaching is an important part of biology teaching, exercises in addition to follow the general teaching of teaching rules, but also should highlight the following characteristics: 1, to highlight the specific, to solve the typical error, should not be wrong on the wrong question comment generally not very knowledge-oriented The systematic and complete, but rather targeted. Aiming at the typical mistakes students often encounter when solving problems, the commentaries should focus on helping students to find out the root cause of the mistakes and find out the way, method and law of their solutions. Such as a sperm cell DNA content of a biological, its primary spermatocyte DNA content [B] A.2aB.4aCaD.3a. This question is the most easy to choose the wrong [A]. The root cause of this error is the characterization of changes in the number of chromosomes and DNA during meiosis