目的分析缺铁性贫血对婴幼儿生长发育的影响。方法对2006年1月1日—2008年6月1日出生的在郑州市精神病防治医院儿童保健管理系统的3 008例儿童中6个月﹑1岁﹑2岁婴幼儿中缺铁性贫血患儿进行身高体重分析。结果以6个月贫血患儿为标准,持续观察到2岁共334例,到1岁贫血得到纠正的患儿共165例,占总贫血患儿的49.4%,其中有95例(28.4%)的患儿身高体重未达到标准,到2岁贫血得到纠正的患儿120例,占总贫血患儿的35.9%,其中49例(14.7%)的患儿身高体重未达到标准。结论缺铁性贫血对婴幼儿生长发育及体重影响显著,应早期发现,及时给予干预。
Objective To analyze the effects of iron deficiency anemia on the growth and development of infants and young children. Methods A retrospective study was conducted on children with iron deficiency anemia at 6 months, 1 year old and 2 years old born in 3 008 children born in the hospital from January 1, 2006 to June 1, 2008 in the Psychiatric Prevention and Treatment Hospital of Zhengzhou City. Height and weight analysis. Results A total of 334 children aged 2 years were observed continuously for 6 months with anemia. A total of 165 children with 1-year-old anemia corrected, accounting for 49.4% of the total anemia, of which 95 (28.4% Of the children did not reach the standard height weight, to 2-year-old children with anemia corrected 120 cases, accounting for 35.9% of children with total anemia, of which 49 cases (14.7%) children’s height and weight did not meet the standards. Conclusion Iron deficiency anemia has a significant effect on the growth and weight of infants and young children. Early detection and intervention should be given in time.