
来源 :中华口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzbenz
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1955年,Buonocore[1]将酸蚀剂技术应用于牙体粘接,从此粘接技术开始迅速发展。修复美容的社会需求和现代牙科“保存”意识的不断深化,是粘接技术不断成熟完善的巨大驱动力。牙本质特殊结构造成的牙本质粘接技术难点一直是学者们关注的热点。不同类型的牙本质(如龋坏牙本质、硬 In 1955, Buonocore [1] applied the etchant technique to the bonding of the teeth, and bonding technology began to develop rapidly. Repairing the social needs of beauty and modern dental “preservation” of the deepening awareness of adhesive technology continues to mature and perfect a huge driving force. Dentin bonding caused by the special structure of dentin has many technical difficulties has always been the focus of attention. Different types of dentin (such as carious dentin, hard