开展管理教育交流 促进人力智源开发——“中英管理教育国际研讨会”在杭召开

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为了交流中英两国的管理教育经验,研究当前管理教育中提出的新问题,探讨未来世纪管理教育的发展,浙江大学与英国文化委员会联合在杭州召开“中英管理教育国际研讨会”。浙江大学党委书记张俊生,英国文化委员会(中国)主任Martin Davidson先生在会上讲话。70多位来自中国、英国及其他国家和地区著名管理教育的专家,学者和企业家参加了会议。浙江大学管理学院院长王重鸣教授、上海交通大学管理学院副院长王方华教授,英国剑侨大学、林肯大学等管理专家在会上发言,香港太古集团、爱立信中国集团、西安杨森制药有限公司 In order to exchange experiences in management education between China and Britain, to study the new problems raised in current management education and to explore the development of management education in the coming century, Zhejiang University and the British Council jointly held the “International Seminar on Management Education in China and Britain” in Hangzhou. Zhang Junsheng, party secretary of Zhejiang University, and Martin Davidson, director of the British Council (China), addressed the meeting. More than 70 well-known management education experts, scholars and entrepreneurs from China, the United Kingdom and other countries and regions attended the conference. Professor Wang Zhongming, Dean of School of Management of Zhejiang University, Professor Wang Fanghua, Vice Dean of School of Management of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and management experts such as Jianqiu University and Lincoln University made speeches at the meeting. Swire Group Hong Kong, Ericsson China Group, Xi’an Yangsen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
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