
来源 :初中数学教与学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxxwmb
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数学史是一门研究数学科学发生及其发展规律的科学,简而言之,也就是研究数学的历史.它不仅包括数学发生发展的内容、思想和方法,更是记述了这些内容、思想和方法演变的历程和影响它们的各种因素.数学史知识也是数学知识的一部分,数学史知识在课堂上的巧妙运用对数学课堂效率的提升具有巨大的促进作用.然而许多初中数学教师在平时的课堂教学中经常忽略数学史知识的讲解,导致当前的初中数学课堂氛围普遍较为 Mathematical history is a science to study the occurrence and development of mathematical science, in short, that is, to study the history of mathematics.It not only includes the content, ideas and methods of mathematical development, but also describes the contents, ideas and The evolution of the method and the various factors that affect them.Mathematical history knowledge is also a part of mathematics knowledge and the clever use of knowledge of the history of mathematics in the classroom has a tremendous contribution to the improvement of mathematics classroom efficiency.However, Class teaching often ignore the knowledge of the history of mathematics, resulting in the current junior high school mathematics classroom atmosphere generally
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