1990年版《中国药典》和1985年版《浙江省中药炮制规范》收载的黄精原植物,为百合科植物滇黄精Polygonatum kingianum Coll.et Hemsl.、黄精P.sibiricum Red.和多花黄精P.cyrtonema Hua的干燥根茎。由于黄精属植物我国有30种之多,故混淆情况较严重。长江以南的主要混淆品为同属植物长梗黄精(P.filipes Merr.)的干燥根茎,它与多花黄精的原植物形态和生药性状都十分相似,常有误采混用现象。为此,笔者特采两种黄精的野生品(浙江遂昌县),先对长梗黄精作生药鉴定,然后与多花黄精
Polygonatum kingianum Coll. Et Hemsl., P. sibiricum Red. And P. cyrtonema collected from the 1990 edition of “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” and 1985 edition of " Hua’s dry rhizome. Since there are 30 species of Polygonatum in our country, confusion is more serious. The main confounding product south of the Yangtze River is the dried rhizome of P.filipes Merr., Which is very similar to the original plant morphology and crude drug properties of Pistacia chinensis. It is often misclassified. To this end, I extract two wild species of Polygonatum (Suichang, Zhejiang), the first identification of long-stemmed yellow essence of crude drugs, and then with the flori