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有月的夜是美好的夜,自古月夜遭人爱。可如今这有月之夜和无月之夜怕只有乡下人最会感知了,恐怕也只有乡下人才会依然对月夜情有独钟。有月,夜行人不用火把;居家者可不必掌灯,这是乡间的一道风景。城里则不然,时间被抽象成了日历和数学,每当夜色来临,大街小巷花灯齐放,五光十色,有月与否一个样,谁都难以再留心斗转星移这类事。久居城市的人必然对月之阴晴圆缺失去敏锐的感觉,他们对岁月最敏感的除年岁外怕就是天气的冷暖晴雨了。以便把握时机及时添减衣服,既讲风度又讲温度。可是,自幼生活在乡下的我,对月亮有一种特别的眷恋。有月的夜我倚窗而坐,沐浴在如银的月光下,童年生活的那个山村老家的情景便会从记忆深 The night of the month is a beautiful night, loved by all the moon and stars. But now there is no fear of the moonlit night and moonlit night only the most aware of the countryman, I am afraid that only the countryman will still be soft on the moonlight. Months, night travelers do not have torches; home may not have palm lights, which is a landscape of the country. The city is not, time is abstract into a calendar and mathematics, when the night comes, the streets lit lanterns altogether, colorful, there is a month or not, no one can no longer pay attention to the struggle to move this kind of thing. People who live in the city for a long time will surely feel sensitive to the moon’s gloomy sentiments. They are most sensitive to the years and are afraid of the weather except the weather. In order to seize the opportunity to add clothes in time, both stresses the temperature and talkative. However, I was living in the country since childhood and had a special attachment to the moon. I have the night of the night I sit on the window, bathing in the silver moonlight, childhood home that village will be from the memory of the deep memory
“科印杯”数码印刷作品大奖赛全场大奖作品《能·印——数码快印应用大全》近日由中国书籍出版社出版发行,该书用独特的视野,以数字印刷为切入点,集中运用近100种介质、30余种机器设备、10余种工艺、6种装订方式,全面展示了数码印刷的特点、功能和方法,内容翔实,设计新颖,制作精美,一经问世便被业内众多专家冠以“百科全书”之名,广获赞誉。2013年5月15日,《能·印》一书惊艳亮相China Print
“黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复还”。从黄土高坡一泻而下的黄河。一路咆哮着闯进了豫西峡谷。在这个峡谷的出口处,有一个富有诗意名字的小村庄——小浪底。 公元1994年9月1
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本文通过理论模型分析和实例,对深基坑支护设计中圈梁下单排桩的协调工作进行了论证。 In this paper, the theoretical model analysis and examples are used to demonstra