国家内贸局商业信息中心的官员郭守中认为,今年下半年消费品市场仍将保持平稳增长态势,但消费需求将好于上半年。 他说,从第三季度起,消费品市场将逐渐从平稳向活跃过渡,进入第四季度传统消费旺季后将出现今年继春节以后第二次消费高峰。 他指出,随着国家今年出台的一系列扩大内需、刺激消费的措施进一步发挥作用,消费品市场的活力也将增强。
According to Guo Shouzhong, official of the National Bureau of Commerce’s Commercial Information Center, the consumer goods market will continue to maintain steady growth in the second half of this year, but consumer demand will be better than in the first half of the year. He said that from the third quarter, the consumer goods market will gradually transition from a stable to an active one. After entering the traditional peak season of consumer spending in the fourth quarter, there will be a second consumption peak after the Spring Festival this year. He pointed out that with the series of measures introduced by the country this year to expand domestic demand and stimulate consumption, the vitality of the consumer goods market will also increase.