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本署为保存书刊版本及进行调查研究,自一九五○年初,开始通函向全国公营、公私合营和私营出版家徵集中华人民共和国成立以后印行的初版、重版图书及期刊。一年以来,绝大多数出版家均已按照本署规定办法缴送。现在本署已经着手编印中华人民共和国成立后第一次全国新书目绿(时期从一九四九年十月一日至一九五○年十二月底止),并决定从本年起,按月编印全国新书目录,分发全国各图书发行机构及图书馆参考。诚恐以前通知未周,兹特请全国出版家注意:凡未接到本署徵集书刊通知的出版家,务希将一九四九年十月一日以从出版之初版、重版图书、期刊样本(初版书刊每种三份,重版书刊每种一份),邮寄北京东总布胡同十号出版总署图书期刊司收。从一九五一年起,新出版的图书期刊,务希于出版后三天内即行缴送。本署另印有『徵集新出图书期刊办法』,函索即寄。此启。 In order to preserve the version of the books and publications and carry out investigations and researches, beginning from early 1950, the Department began solicitation of first and second editions of books and periodicals printed after the founding of the People’s Republic of China from public, public-private partnerships and private publishing houses nationwide. Over the past year, the vast majority of publishers have paid their contributions according to the provisions of this Department. Now that the Department has started to compile the first national new bible after the founding of the People’s Republic of China (from October 1, 1949 to the end of December 1950) and decided that starting from this year, On a monthly basis, the catalog of new books in the country is distributed, and reference books for distribution agencies and libraries throughout the country are distributed. We sincerely invite all the publishers in our country to pay attention to the following: All publishers who have not received the notice from the Department for collection of books and journals, will publish their first edition, republished books and journals on October 1, 1949 Samples (first edition of each of three copies, reprinting of a copy of each), by mail Beijing East cloth alley on the 10th Publishing Department books and periodicals received. Since 1951, the newly published periodical of periodicals and books will be sent within three days after its publication. The Department also printed the “Measures for Soliciting New Books and Periodicals”, which is mailed to us. This Kai.
过年好,过年好,过年好! 自从进入2003年,阿甘就仿佛变成一台“拜年机器人”,见了朋友就想说“过年好”,也是,今年的元旦和春节挨得真近,才过完元旦一个月,春节又到了,刚刚跟
流量生意不过是数字游戏,但每个数字的背后却是一个个真实的人。因此,每一种关于人性的解读,就会诞生一门新的流量生意。    互联网生意,本质上是流量的生意,而流量生意的核心是人。每当有人链接互联网,虚拟世界里,基于这个人的一门流量生意就悄悄触发。  归结起来,流量江湖有三个派别:刷单生意,平台生意,工具生意。你无法简单评判,哪一种生意光明,哪一种阴暗。他们因需求而生,因需求而变。  有人说,生意即人
《食品与生活》编辑部: 我是《食品与生活》的订户,最近从贵刊2002年第5期(双月刊)上发现一篇好文章(29页)《21世纪健康糖》。我很感兴趣,因为保健糖在功能性保健食品的开发