威廉·戈尔丁是当代英国文苑里的一支奇葩 ,1983年荣获诺贝尔文学奖。戈尔丁的作品以其犀利的文笔、诗歌般的叙述风格以及对人性的深刻洞察而著称。战争的残酷、社会的腐朽使他得出结论 :人性基本上是邪恶的。人类社会的一切弊端均由人的邪恶本性造成。因此 ,“人性的黑暗”成了贯穿他作品始终的主题。本文旨在通过对戈尔丁作品宗教氛围的探讨和分析 ,理出戈尔丁作品的独特技巧和魅力及其作品所以赢得广大西方读者原因之所在
William Golding is a wonderful work in the contemporary British court and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1983. Golding’s work is famous for his sharp writing style, his poetic narrative style, and his profound insight into human nature. Cruel war, social decadent led him to conclude: Human nature is basically evil. All the disadvantages of human society are caused by the evil nature of human beings. Therefore, “the darkness of human nature” has become the consistent theme running through his work. The purpose of this essay is to find out the reason for winning the majority of Western readership through the exploration and analysis of the religious atmosphere of Golding’s works, to find out the unique skills and charm of Golding’s works and their works