我院特需外科于1994年底成立至今,取得了较为显著的社会效益及经济效益。下面就我科病房管理的主要做法做一简要介绍。 (1)抓医护人员的素质培养及医疗质量。进行“三基三严”培训,开展读书会,提高自身素质,进而提高医疗质量。树立自身形象,提高患者对医疗水平的可信程度。
The special surgery required in our hospital was established since the end of 1994 and has achieved significant social and economic benefits. The following is a brief introduction to the main practices of our ward management. (1) Grasp the quality training of medical staff and medical quality. We will carry out “three basic and three strict” training, carry out reading sessions, improve our own quality, and improve the quality of medical care. Establish a self-image and improve the credibility of the patient’s medical level.