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当今,世界科学技术、文化教育事业迅猛发展,国内外图书情报界都在想方设法利用现代化手段处理日益增长的信息。但现代化信息处理,必须建筑在图书资料搜集、加工,情报知识教育及合理的图书情报体制的基础上。尤其是高校,图书情报要为教学和科研两大中心服务,教学上,要利用它不断 Nowadays, with the rapid development of the world’s science, technology and culture and education, both the domestic and overseas library and intelligence circles are trying to use modern means to handle the ever-increasing amount of information. However, modern information processing must be based on the collection of books and materials, processing, intelligence knowledge education and a reasonable library intelligence system. Especially colleges and universities, library and information should serve the two major centers of teaching and research, teaching, to use it constantly
Unlike other watertowns in north Zhejiang and south Jiangsu which have become popular tourist attractions in recent years, Anchang, another watertown, is quiet
七月八月看巧云,泰山巧云属晚霞。我乘八月雨后的凉风登上岱顶,仁立在月观峰上,放眼西望,好一派“苍山如海.残日如血”的壮美。 独立峰巅勤古亭,四周苍茫而宁静。天庭大幕上,在雨后
从传说中的海盗范汉克斯,到迪 亚士、达·伽马直至曼德拉,都 曾在南非、在开普敦谱写过一 段传奇,他们是勇士的象征, 开普敦也成为了勇敢者的家园。1991年圣诞节前,我首次来
To research into the problem of degradation and fluvial process downstream reservoirs and its influence on flood control and navigation, a 1-D mathematical mode
提起列支敦士登,可能有许多中国 人不熟悉,其实,它和安道尔、 圣马力诺、摩纳哥3个袖珍国家, 还有梵蒂冈,在西方无人不晓。凡到欧洲旅游的人大都会好奇地去这些小国观光。
在南斯拉夫中部地区,如果哪一位小伙子看中了一位姑娘,就可以到她家里去求婚。 女方家一般都会热情接待,拿出来的食物都是好吃的。 小伙子在吃喝的时候,尽情地倾吐对姑娘的
津河位于天津市城区内 ,流经和平、河西、南开、红桥四个中心区 ,上下游均与海河贯通 ,全长 1 8.5km。汛期是市区排泄雨水的重要通道 ,非汛期是城内重要的景观河道。有着悠久
Lunchtime, 31~(st) May 2001. In a private room on the 3~(rd) floor of Zhiweiguan Restaurant, Hangzhou. We were excitedly looking on while a waiter arrived with
一提起南非,人们便会立刻想到 约翰内斯堡,这个见报率很高 的地方虽然不是南非首都,但她是南非最大的城市,又聚集着在南非乃至整个世界都有影响力的矿业巨头和金融机构,因此