我家挺有趣的:爸是他们家祖辈几代人惟一走出农村的人,妈是她们家祖辈几代人惟一离开家乡的人。结果,爸和妈成了一家人。 我刚出生那年,姥姥家没来一个人,只是寄来了一些钱物。奶奶倒是乐颠颠地从老家跑来,可一见我是个丫头,顿时泄了气,连抱都不肯抱我。 我五岁那年,家里的境况还挺窘迫,爸、妈的工资加起来不足60元。可爷爷在农村总爱对人讲,他有个在城里的
My family is quite interesting: Dad was the only person in his family whose ancestors passed away from rural areas for several generations. Mom was the only one who had left their hometown for generations in their ancestral home. As a result, Dad and Mom became a family. I was born that year, my grandmother did not come home a person, just sent some money. Daoshi but Da Leying Britain came from home, but I see a girl, suddenly vent the gas, and even refused to hold me. At the age of five, I was quite embarrassed at home, and the wages of my father and mother totaled less than 60 yuan. Grandpa can always tell the people in the countryside, he has a in the city