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一个农民的儿子 季羡林先生1911年8月6日出生于山东临清市官庄村一个贫穷的农民家庭。他的童年是充满艰涩的。用他的话来说,他的童年”眼前没有红,没有绿,是一片灰黄”。 1917年,年仅6岁的季羡林就告别父母,离开故乡,到济南投奔他的叔父去了。那时,父母和叔父认为,要想把他培养成人,光大门楣,只有到济南这一条路。 从此,季羡林开始了他的求学生涯。在中学时,胡也频、董秋芳等先生都曾亲自教过他的课。 Mr. Ji Xianlin, the son of a farmer, was born on August 6, 1911 in a poor peasant family in Guanzhuang Village, Linqing City, Shandong Province. His childhood is full of hardships. In his words, his childhood “no red eyes, no green, is a gray.” In 1917, Ji Xianlin, who was only 6 years old, bid farewell to his parents and left his hometown to go to his uncle in Jinan. At that time, parents and uncle think that in order to train him to be an adult, there is only one way to Jinan. Since then, Ji Xianlin began his career as a student. In high school, Hu Ye frequency, Dong Qiufang and other gentlemen have personally taught his class.
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