
来源 :哲学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:passiionlu
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Marxist idea of life includes three perspectives: life as substantial life, as real life, and as free life. Firstly, as to the substantial life, metaphysical life is the one in pure speculative sense. Marxist revolution has completely destroyed “super-sensible world” of metaphysics, and philosophy has “come down from idea to real world”. The life goes into the gate of philosophy not as a notion, but as sense and substantial being at the first time. Secondly, as to the real life, man’s life is real life which is not only substantial but also meaningful. Substantial existence, “super-sensible” social relation and meaning altogether unified to be the real life. Thirdly, as to the free life, Marx points out that the life in capitalist society is alienated life which should be abolished in the future. The life in the Communist Society must be a free and liberated one. Marxist idea of ​​life includes three perspectives: life as substantial life, as real life, and as free life. First, as to the substantial life, metaphysical life is the one in pure speculative sense. “Of metaphysics, and philosophy has” come down from idea to real world ". The life goes into the gate of philosophy not as a notion, but as sense and substantial being at the first time. Secondly, as to the real life, man’s Third, as to the free life, Marx points out that the life in capitalist society is alienated life which should be abolished in the future. The life in the Communist Society must be a free and liberated one.
宋代出土的兮甲盘,是周宣王时器,铭文中涉及到周朝与北方 少数民族狁的战争,与南方淮夷的经济关系,以及周朝对周族人和淮夷人程度不同的贸易控制和管理。王国维说:“此种重器,
【正】 新登县新建乡在兴修水库时,在水库右边山墩离地面约25米的平地上发现了磨制有孔石斧1件(图一)、黑陶片1块。又余姚县叶叙足同志在1956年9月15日在余姚龙南乡烛溪东湖
在广东家具产业版图中,究竟谁能担当家具国际采购的带头大哥?答案是厚街。$$   近日,经省人民政府同意,正式认定厚街家具市场集群为首批唯一的广东家具国际采购中心,并将厚街