
来源 :华南农业大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:phoebus
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清朝末年,面临甲午战后民族危机的加深与农业生产的衰微,清政府谕允饬令各地遍设农会,希图利用民间力量与官方力量共同振兴农业,摆脱国用匮绌的窘境。同时,实业救国人士的倡导、资产阶级维新派的吁请、上海农学会学术研究团体的创设等,对政府敦本重农、批饬成立农会组织均起到了重要的推动作用。清末农会肇始于1907年7月成立的直隶农务总会,随后,其他各省相继创办,并开展了编辑农报,翻译农书;创办农业学堂;开办农业试验场;举行农产品评会,设立陈列所;植树造林以及农业调查等一系列农事活动,发挥了“整理农业之枢纽”的作用。清末农会无疑是一种具有近代组织制度特征的新式社团,但实质上又是一种受到官府监督、绅商控制的尚不成熟的农民团体,其在推动近代中国农业发展和维护农民利益方面的作用也是有限的。 In the last years of the Qing Dynasty, facing the deepening of the ethnic crisis and the decline of agricultural production after the Sino-Japanese War, the Qing government enacted allowances all over the peasant association and hoped to make use of both civilian and official forces to rejuvenate agriculture and get rid of the scarcity of the country. At the same time, the advocacy of industrialists, bourgeois reformers and the creation of academic research groups at the Shanghai Agricultural Society played an important role in promoting the establishment of a peasant association by the government. The late Qing Dynasty peasant association began in July 1907 the establishment of the Zhili Agricultural Association, and later, other provinces have founded, and launched the editorial newspaper, translation of agricultural books; founded agricultural school; set up agricultural experimental field; hold agricultural evaluation, Set up a display area; afforestation and agricultural surveys and a series of agricultural activities, played a “hub of agriculture,” the role. In the late Qing Dynasty, the peasant association was undoubtedly a new type of society with the characteristics of the modern organization system. However, it was essentially an immature peasant group controlled by the government and controlled by the gentry and merchants. In its promotion of agricultural development and peasants’ interests in modern China, The role is also limited.
消费者要求减少抗生素生长促进剂(antibiotic growth promoters,AGP)作为添加剂在家禽饲养中的使用,这使得更多家禽养殖场不再使用抗生素。但是,不添加抗生素的饲料对家禽肠