美国海军于1988年已将A/P22P—9(Ⅴ)防化装备用于现役。这套装备包括头套、面罩和服装,可以保护眼、呼吸道和颈以下的全身。由于服装重量和层数的增加,迫使飞行员工作更为费力,因此给飞行降温就成为首要和任务。 飞行员在湿热或干热环境中,当代谢产热为160~200W时,应控制核心体温的升高不超过1℃,这就要
The U.S. Navy used A / P22P-9 (V) chemical defense equipment in active service in 1988. This set includes headgear, masks and clothing that protects the entire body under the eyes, respiratory tract and neck. As the weight and number of layers increase, forcing pilots to work harder, cooling the flight becomes paramount and mission-critical. Pilots in hot and humid or hot and dry environment, when the current metabolic heat of 160 ~ 200W, should control the core temperature rise of not more than 1 ℃, which is necessary