枪为兵器之祖,太极螳螂门自古就对大枪极为重视。“莱阳三山”之一的李昆山先生的大枪堪称一绝,在1933年秋参加中央国术国考时,以其出神入化的太极螳螂门“十八枪”枪法名列全国长兵器第一,同时也获银盾一枚及奖状等,太极螳螂门大枪的威力,由此可见一斑。 在太极螳螂门中,大枪所练习的不仅是技击术,更为重要的是,它也是一种极为重要的功法,下面就对太极螳螂门十八枪中的部分枪法作一解说。
Gun as the ancestor of weapons, Tai Chi Mantis door since ancient times attaches great importance to big guns. Li Kunshan, one of the three mountains of Laiyang, claimed to be a big gun. In the autumn of 1933, he participated in the examination of the Central National State examinations with his superb shot of the mantis called “the 18th Gun” Also won a silver shield and certificate of awards, Tai Chi Praying Mantis door guns, we can see that. In the Tai Chi Praying Mantis door, the big guns practiced not only mechanics, but more importantly, it is also a very important Gong Fa, the following part of the Tai Chi Praying Mantis guns shot some guns to explain.