
来源 :考古学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foxdeng
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一引言(一)问题的提出从语义学角度而言,“玉”是包含在“石”的范畴之中,但在中国考古学中“玉器”与“石器”则是一对既相关又有区别的概念,两者之间的界定时有模糊,各家观点不一,较具代表性的一种观点是“以美石所制成的具有象征意义的器物,都可称为玉器”~①,也有人认为应以纯矿物学概念为标准。自玉器出现以来,它在中国形成了广泛的影响,在一定时期甚至对当地社会的变革产生极大的影响。因此,玉与石、玉器与石器的讨论近年来日益受到研究者的关注,从2001年开始,中国玉学界提出了玉石 I. INTRODUCTION A. Problems Proposed From the perspective of semantics, “jade” is included in the category of “stone”, but in Chinese archeology “jade” and “stone” It is a pair of both related and different concepts, the definition of blurring between the two, each having different views, the more representative of a point of view is “made of stone with the symbolic Utensils, can be called jade ”~ ①, some people think that the concept of pure mineralogy should be the standard. Since the advent of the jade, it has had a widespread impact in China and has even had a significant impact on the transformation of local society over a period of time. Therefore, the jade and stone, jade and stone discussion in recent years has increasingly been the concern of researchers, from 2001 onwards, jade community in China proposed jade