我国早在四十年代末疥疮即已在全国绝迹,但到1971年 Orkin 综合各国所见认为疥疮又在世界范围内再次流行,最近我国城乡亦有不同程度的散发或流行而受到人们的重视。Eurax 是一种杀疥虫及非特异性的止痒剂,最先在英国试制成功,1982年作者应用 Ciba Geigy 药厂生产的 Eurax 霜治疗疥疮20例取得满意效果,经我们提供有关该药资料,最近已由中国医学科学院药物研究所试制成功,并由常州第四制药厂试产,现将我们应用国产10%Eurax 霜治疗疥疮的疗效报告如下:
As early as the late 1940s, scabies in China disappeared nationwide. However, by 1971, Orkin comprehensively concluded that scabies were once again prevailing in the world. Recently, people in both China and other parts of the country have also been experiencing different degrees of distribution or popularity. Eurax is a kind of insecticide and non-specific antipruritic agent, the first successful trial in the United Kingdom in 1982, the author of Ciba Geigy Pharmaceutical Factory Eurax cream treatment of scabies 20 cases of satisfactory results, we provide information on the drug, Recently the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Pharmaceutical trial success, and Changzhou No. 4 Pharmaceutical Factory trial production, now we apply the domestic 10% Eurax Cream curative effect of treatment of scabies are as follows: