《紫禁城》第卅五期裏,有一篇畏冬先生撰寫的“古代的鬥草風俗——從《羣嬰鬥草圖》說起”一文。恭而讀之,使人獲益匪淺。這裏,我也來談談鬥草風俗和故宮博物院的這幅藏畫。 鬥草是一種流傳得旣久遠又廣泛的風俗。直到今天,仍是江南一帶鄉村中常見的兒童遊戲。尤其在夏秋间,牧童將牛牽到草地之後,便三三兩兩地聚在一塊,以此娛樂,打發時光。鬥草的方式也的確如畏冬先生所說,有文、武兩種鬥法。其中又以“武鬥”居多且吸引入。今日的鬥草方法還有:
In the fifth period of the Forbidden City, there is an article entitled “The Ancient Custom of Grass-Fighting Grass - An Introduction to Fighting Grasslings in the Formative Groups of Babies”. Christine and read, people benefit. Here, I will also talk about the custom of fighting grass and the painting of the Palace Museum. Grass is a very popular and widespread custom. Until today, it is still a common children’s game in the countryside in the south of Yangtze River. Especially in the summer and autumn, after the shepherd boy brought the cow to the grassland, he gathered together in twos and threes to entertain and pass the time. The way grass fighting is indeed awesome, said Mr. Dong, a text, Wu two kinds of fighting. Among them, “Wu Dou” is also mostly attracted. Today’s fight grass methods are: