The securities industry is a rapidly emerging emerging industry since China’s reform and opening up. Along with its growth is a vigorous, energetic and militaristic workforce. Its members are mostly young and have a relatively high academic qualification compared to other industries. Active, studious, which reflects the securities industry, high competition, high technology, high information and other deep internal requirements. However, at the same time, staff turnover and loss of personnel are more troublesome to brokerages in this high-risk, high-yielding and high-temptation industry. Faced with increasingly fierce industry competition and the gradual opening up of the securities market, talent competition will become the focus of competition. This requires us to have a clear understanding of the brain drain and countermeasures. First, the reasons for brain drain 1, regional economic development imbalances and human resources tradable. The unbalanced development of regional economy makes the level of economic development between regions have a big gap and the income level varies. The wage income of brokerages in developed areas is obviously higher than that of underdeveloped regions. Property rights of human resources naturally belong to the individual, is tradable, and the gradual establishment and improvement of the labor market provides a convenient bar for such transactions