国美事件之后,更大的影响,可能是中国民营企业老板对现代公司制度下的职业经理人更加警惕 9月28日,国美电器的控制权之争以陈晓为首的国美管理层的小胜而暂告一段落。在黄光裕方面提出的五项提议中,除了撤销公司“一般授权”的决议之外,其他四项提议均被否决。大股东黄光裕的核心目标——撤销陈晓董事长一职并重组董事会没有实现。
After the Gome incident, the greater impact may be that Chinese private-owned business owners are more wary of professional managers under the modern corporate system. On September 28, Gome’s controversy over GOME’s small management victory led by Chen Xiao Temporarily come to an end. Among the five proposals put forward by Wong Kwong Yu, all four proposals were rejected except for the withdrawal of the company’s “general mandate.” Huang Guangyu, the major shareholder of the core objectives - the revocation of Chen Xiao, chairman and reorganization of the board did not materialize.