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蒙古帝国的创立者是杰出的政治家、军事家成吉思汗。1206年,他成功地统一了蒙古各部,成为大汗,直至1227年西征西夏时去世。但令包括历史学家在内的许多人一直困惑的是,一个来自漠北干旱、寒冷草原的马背上的游牧民族,怎么就能够所向无敌地横扫欧亚大陆的大部分地区?一项最新的权威科学研究成果显示,成吉思汗的霸业要得益于当时的气候变化。此前有许多学者都想当然地认为,是因为原居地恶劣的天气迫使成吉思汗不得不率部族南迁,以便解决面临的严峻的生存危机。但一项最新的权威科学研究成果却表明事实恰恰 The founder of the Mongol Empire is an outstanding politician and military strategist Genghis Khan. In 1206, he succeeded in unifying ministries in Mongolia and sweating until his death in mid-Xixia in 1227. But what has led many, including historians, has been puzzled is how a nomadic ethnic group on horseback from arid and cold grasslands in Mobei can invariably swept much of Eurasia. One of the latest The results of authoritative scientific research show that the tyranny of Genghis Khan benefited from climate change at that time. Many scholars had taken for granted that the reason was that the bad weather in their place of origin forced Genghis Khan to lead the tribal southward so as to resolve the severe crisis of survival it faces. However, the latest authoritative scientific research shows that the facts are correct