Adopted by the 45th Administrative Council of the State Council on August 11, 1950 - In order to promote the recovery and development of the manufacturing industry, workers, technicians and staff and all those who are engaged in the production of imperial examinations and technical research workers The enthusiasm and creativity of this country enable it to fully compile its knowledge, experience and intelligence, and work on inventions, technological improvements and rationalization proposals, which is of prime importance to the country's economic construction. In the past, the staff and workers of various enterprises had made many inventions, technological improvements and rationalization proposals concerning production. However, some supervisors did not pay due attention to this important task or did not give reasonable rewards and remunerations. As a result, the enthusiasm of the vast numbers of workers, technicians, associate members and all those engaged in scientific and technological research on inventions, technological improvements and rationalization proposals has not been properly encouraged. This is undoubtedly the loss of the country's economic construction. In order to organize and guide the encouragement of inventions, technological improvements and rationalization proposals, and to protect the rights and interests of inventors, technicians and rationalization advisers, the following special decisions shall be made: (1) The invention of the nationwide production-related inventions shall be uniformly administered by the Financial and Economic Committee of the State Council Technical improvements and rationalization proposals, and carry out the following tasks: A. directing various economic departments to conduct research, experiment and promotion of inventions, technological improvements and rationalization proposals on production; b. Reviewing and appraising all kinds of relevant production Inventions, technological improvements and rationalization of construction; C, verification of invention rights or patent rights, and issued to inventions certificates, patent certificates, bonuses, awards and other various awards.