同位素标记法和酶反应比色法 (如MTT比色法、NAG释放法 )是检测CTL、NK细胞、LAK细胞等免疫效应细胞细胞毒作用的常用方法。由于后者有简便、经济及不使用放射性同位素等特点 ,近年来得到了广泛应用 ,但是它与同位素方法在测定原理上有本质的差别。根据检测原理、计算公式和癌症及癌症化疗患者效应细胞对靶细胞胞毒作用的检测结果 ,我们认为酶反应比色法并非普遍适用于检测细胞介导的细胞毒作用 ,特别对用细胞毒药物治疗的患者不宜用此法
Isotopic labeling and enzyme reaction colorimetric methods (such as MTT colorimetric assay, NAG release assay) are commonly used methods to detect cytotoxicity of immune effector cells such as CTL, NK cells, and LAK cells. Because the latter is simple, economical, and does not use radioisotopes, it has been widely used in recent years, but it is essentially different from the isotope method in terms of its measurement principle. According to the detection principle, calculation formula, and cytotoxicity of target cells by effector cells in cancer and cancer chemotherapy patients, we believe that enzyme-reaction colorimetry is not universally applicable to the detection of cell-mediated cytotoxicity, especially for the use of cytotoxic drugs. Treatment of patients should not use this method