“莒南一号”花生属普通密枝中熟大花生,1964年以“小麻叶”作母本,“伏花生”作父本,通过有性杂交选育而成。 据1978—1981年,在涝坡、洙边、相沟等公社的六处试验表明:在不同肥水条件下,平均亩产荚果489.2斤,比“68-4”增产9.6%。另据莒南县花生原种场去年的试验表现,在春秋发生严重干旱的情况下,该品种比“花39”抗旱,并增产8.49%。在莒南县推广面积达3000亩左右。
“Taonan One” peanut is a common middle-aged peanut, in 1964 with “small leaf” as the female parent, “peanut” as the parent, selected by sexual cross breeding. According to 1978-1981, six communes in the waterlogged slopes, sohu sides and ditches showed that under different conditions of water and fertilizer, the average pod per mu reached 489.2 kg, an increase of 9.6% over that of the “68-4”. According to Taonan County peanut seed market last year’s test showed that in the case of severe drought in spring and autumn, the variety than the “flower 39” drought, and an increase of 8.49%. In Junan promotion area of about 3,000 acres.