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调整人群膳食结构或食物营养问题作为发展战略考虑,这是当今世界形成的新趋势。赵紫阳总书记在七届全国人大一次会议中建议引导全国人民建立适合中国国情的食物消费结构,并把它作为一项基本国策。赵总书记的讲话,事关重大,令人鼓舞。为了掌握和评价我国新的历史时期,天津城乡各类人群营养状况,为合理调整膳食结构与发展食品工业提供科学依据,在天津市科委大力支持下,我们承担了“1986~1988年天津城乡各类人群营养状况动态观察”的研究项目。鉴于合理营养可促进儿童身心发育、增进健康、提高机体免疫力与学习能力,对改善民族素质有深远意义。 Adjusting the dietary structure of people or food nutrition as a strategic consideration for development is a new trend that has emerged in today’s world. At the first session of the Seventh National People’s Congress, General Secretary Zhao Ziyang suggested guiding the people across the country to establish a food consumption structure that suits China’s national conditions and took it as a basic national policy. General Zhao’s speech is very important and encouraging. In order to grasp and evaluate the nutritional status of all kinds of people in urban and rural areas of Tianjin in the new historical period of our country and provide a scientific basis for rational adjustment of dietary structure and development of the food industry, under the strong support of Tianjin Science and Technology Commission, Dynamic observation of nutritional status of various types of "research project. In view of reasonable nutrition can promote physical and mental development of children, improve health, improve immunity and learning ability, to improve the national quality has far-reaching significance.