天气晴好,真是一个适合到野外出游的日子啊。爸爸带着他的四个孩子,排成长长的一队,欢呼着,蹦跳着,要去——猎熊!还要猎一头大熊!他们钻过茂密的草丛,趟过冰凉的河流,跋涉过黏糊糊的烂泥坑,穿过幽深的小树林,在暴风雪中艰难前行,磕磕碰碰钻进昏暗狭小的山洞里,最后终于发现了一只大熊!天哪,这下可怎么办?快翻开书页,加入孩子们的行列,踏上激动人心的猎熊之旅! We’re going on a bear h
We’re going on a bear hunt.
We’re going to catch a big one.
What a beautiful day!
We’re not scared.
Oh-oh! Grass!
Long, wavy grass.
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no!
We’ve got to go through it!
Oh-oh! A river!
A deep, cold river.
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no! We’ve got to go through it!
Oh-oh! Mud!
Thick, oozy mud.
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no! We’ve got to go through it!
Oh-oh! A forest!
A big dark forest.
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no! We’ve got to go through it!
Oh-oh! A snowstorm!
A swirling, whirling snowstorm.
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no! We’ve got to go through it!
Oh-oh! A cave!
A narrow, gloomy cave.
We can’t go over it.
We can’t go under it.
Oh no! We’ve got to go through it!
Quick! Back through the cave!
Back through the snowstorm!
Back through the forest!
Back through the mud!
Back through the river!
Back through the grass!
Get to our front door.
Open the door.
Up the stairs.
Oh no! We forgot
to shut the door.
Back downstairs.
Shut the door.
Back upstairs.
Into the bedroom.
Into bed. Under
the covers.
We’re not going on a bear hunt again.
一路上,撥开长长的草叶,横渡湍急的河流,扎进幽深的林子,钻入黑乎乎的洞穴……跟着爸爸去猎熊的路程,真是让孩子们兴奋不已。可真见到了大熊,大家却吓得立马往回跑,一路吱吱嘎嘎、磕磕绊绊、慌里慌张,充满了紧张、刺激!绘本作者用朗朗上口的诗句,讲述了这样一个幽默生动的故事,真是让小朋友们惊喜得也要跳起来大声喊:We’re going on a bear hunt. We’re going to catch a big one!
Going on a bear hunt
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