(一) 改革开放以来,我国的职业技术教育有了很大的发展,与此相适应,恢复和创办了许多家职业技术教育类刊物,这些刊物作为我国职业技术教育研究的一个重要阵地,为我国的中等教育结构改革、培养受过良好职业技术教育训练的人才起了积极作用。不过,我们同时应看到,刊物之间水平不一、质量参差不齐,有些内容有重复雷同之感,发稿重复率增加,这就在客观上对刊物质量、对编辑部人员的素质有一个提高的要求,因此,有必要对刊物质量建立一个相对
(I) Since the reform and opening up, there has been a great development of vocational and technical education in our country. In response, many publications on vocational and technical education have been restored and started. These publications, as an important front for the study of vocational and technical education in our country, are The reform of the secondary education structure in our country has played a positive role in cultivating talents who have received good vocational and technical education and training. However, at the same time, we should see that there are different levels of publications, with uneven quality. Some of them have the same sense of repetition and repetition rate increase, which objectively has an impact on the quality of publications and the quality of the editorial staff Therefore, it is necessary to establish a relative quality of publications