心脏直视手术后早期监测左房压力,这对指导补液和使用强心药十分重要。目前虽已广泛应用球囊漂浮导管,通过测定肺毛细血管楔嵌压来估算左房压力,但该技术在术后早期或肺血管阻力增高的漪况下常不够准确。本文研究用M型超声心动图估算左房压力。 21例患者接受心脏直视手术,平均4(1/4~12)
Early monitoring of left atrium pressure after cardiac surgery is important for directing fluids and using cardiotonics. Although balloon catheterization has been widely used to estimate left atrial pressure by measuring pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, this technique is often not accurate enough in early postoperative or elevated pulmonary vascular resistance. In this study, M-mode echocardiography was used to estimate left atrial pressure. 21 patients underwent open heart surgery with an average of 4 (1/4 ~ 12)