In high school English teaching, task-based teaching is to guide the students to learn based on the proposed learning tasks, and to really enable students to achieve and improve their subjective position and inquiry ability. This teaching method can help students to successfully complete the task of learning, and make their ability to learn English greatly improved. The main method of student learning under task-based teaching is independent inquiry and cooperative learning. Task-based teaching strategies and principles teachers must be clear content. First, the new curriculum reform in high school English Task-based teaching strategies (A) Task-based teaching activities should be designed to be close to the student life and improve learning interest New English Curriculum in the background of the teaching requirements is based on the students’ actual life experience And interest in effective teaching. The interest is the driving force for students to learn, the more interested, the better the effect of teaching. Therefore, when teachers carry out task-based instructional design, students should be based on the actual, students Xing