流行性乙型脑炎的治疗,中医中药确有良好效果;但治疗方剂繁多,辨症論治不易掌握,則疗效各家报告均无一致。因此,关于流行性乙型脑炎治疗问题,有值得进一步探討的必要。現将我院以单味大青叶治疗流行性乙型脑炎23例疗效报告如下,供同道参考。 診断該組所有病例之診断,均根据发病季节,流行地区,临床典型症状和体征,血象以及符合流行性乙型脑炎的脑脊液改变而确立診断。该組所有病例均系自1954年7月下旬至9月中旬
The treatment of Japanese encephalitis, Chinese medicine does have a good effect; However, a wide range of prescriptions, syndrome differentiation is not easy to grasp, the efficacy of each report are not the same. Therefore, there is a need to explore further the issue of the treatment of Japanese encephalitis. Now our hospital to single leaf of the treatment of Japanese encephalitis in 23 cases of efficacy reported below, for fellow reference. The diagnosis of all cases in this group was based on the season of onset, prevalence, clinical signs and symptoms, blood counts, and cerebrospinal fluid changes in accordance with Japanese encephalitis. All patients in this group were from late July 1954 to mid-September 1954