用心品味 感悟真情——义务教育课程标准实验教科书小学语文(北师大版)四年级上册《师恩难忘》教学建议

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《师恩难忘》这篇课文记述了田老师以讲故事的方式教授孩子学习古诗词、培养孩子成长的往事,体现出他巧妙的教学方法,歌颂了老师的敬业精神,抒发了作者对老师的崇敬感激之情。文章叙述平实、语言质朴、情感真 “Unforgettable teacher” This text narrates Tian teacher teaches children to learn ancient poems by way of storytelling, cultivates children’s growing up, reflects his clever teaching methods, praises the teacher’s dedication, and expresses the author’s opinion of the teacher Revered gratitude. Article describes the plain, simple language, emotional real