羊年新春的一天。霏霏细雨中,一群土家族农民风尘仆仆地来到湘西自治州物资局的院子里,一连迭声地说:“我们要找高队长……”一位身材矮胖,头发花白的老人应声而出,一双宽厚的大手握住了一双双与他同样粗糙的手。老人名叫高家善,湘西州物资局副局长,一个有着36年党龄的土家族老党员。这20多名农民兄弟来自保靖县昂洞乡铁厂村。一番嘘寒问暖之后,他们掏出了土家人最珍贵的贺年礼物:一叠叠雪白的糯米耙;一块块熏黄的肥腊肉;一串串深红的干辣椒。62岁的王选楚老人双眸含泪:“高队长,这都是乡亲们托我带来的。这里可有你的心血和汗水呀!”两行滚烫的热泪消然而下。高家善脑海里一幕幕浮现出在铁厂村和乡亲们度过的300多个日日夜夜…… 1990年2月,年近花甲的高家善主动要求参加农
New Year of the sheep In the drizzle, a group of Tujia peasants went to the courtyard of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture Materials Bureau in a busy schedule, repeatedly praying: “We are looking for Captain ...” A tall, plump, gray-haired old man came out A pair of generous hands held a pair of equally rough hands with him. The elderly named Gao Jiaxun, Xiangxi Prefecture, deputy director of the Bureau of Materials, a 36-year-old Tujia old party members. These more than 20 peasant brothers come from Iron Factory Village, Angdong Cave, Baojing County. After some greetings, they took out Tujia’s most precious New Year gifts: a stack of white rice rakes; a block of smoked bacon; a string of reddish brown peppers. 62-year-old Wang Xuan Chu eyes tearful old: “Captain, this is the folks who asked me to bring here there may be your hard work and sweat it!” Two rows of hot tears disappear down. High minds of the scene emerged in Ironworks village and folks who spent more than 300 days and nights ... ... February 1990, the annual planted high Jia Shan initiative to ask farmers to participate