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  Shaun is not only(不仅) popular in the UK. Kids in other places like him,too. In 2008,Shaun the Sheep won the Children and Young People award at the International Emmy Awards(国际艾美奖).
家里來了一位客人。  妈妈:不好意思,今天没有奶酪了。  客人:哦,没关系。  彼得离开了一会儿,然后拿回来一块奶酪。他把奶酪给了这位客人。客人笑着把奶酪放进嘴里。  客人:多好的孩子!你在哪里找到的奶酪?  彼得:在捕鼠夹上,先生。  晚上,约翰抬头看着天空。  汤姆是约翰的弟弟。  “你在干什么?”汤姆问。  “我在数星星。”约翰说。  汤姆笑着说:“现在太黑了。你为什么不等到明天早上再数呢?
1. One of these plants is not like the others. Can you pick it out?  2. Can you find five differences between these two bikes?
I am a student in a primary school. I have a brother. He is a student too. He usually goes to school with me on foot. My father is a doctor. He is very busy. He likes helping sick people. My mother is
小流星很顽皮,做事情总是冒冒失失。有一天,她在天空呆腻了,觉得很无聊,于是决定到地球来玩玩。她闭着眼睛,从天空中一个劲儿地往下落,尽情地享受着耳边呼呼的风声……  咔嚓!流星落在了一座木桥上,木桥断了,她掉到了河里。流星看看四周,“既来之则安之!我就在这里好好泡个澡吧!”  “咦,是谁在哭泣?”流星循声望去,原来是小兔子。“你为什么哭得这么伤心呀?”  “我要到河对岸去!嘟嘟熊博士今天要教森林小动
学习谚语是习得地道英语的途径之一。精炼是谚语的特点,往往通过一个短小的句子,我们就能学到一个大大的道理呢!  1. Learn not and know not.  不学无术。  (原指没有学问因而没有办法。现指没有学问就没有本领。)  2. Love me,love my dog.  爱屋及乌。  (比喻喜爱一个人而连带地喜爱和他有关的人和物。)  3. Not to advance is to
I have a happy family.  My mother was fat. But she does sports every day. Look,she is thinner than before. My father is tall. He likes reading books. And he also likes watching TV. I am a lovely girl.
Do you know the Imperial Palace(故宮)? It is very large!There are 980 buildings and 8707 rooms in it. It is more than 720000 square meters(平方米) large. It is the largest palace in the world.  (注:你知道吗?世界上
There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. My father has big hands,two small eyes and a big mouth. He is a little fat. My mother has short hair, two big eyes and a smal
There are four people in my family,my father,my mother,my brother and I.  My father and mother are both teachers. My father likes sports. He often goes to the gym and does some exercise to keep fit. M
同學们,这期给大家介绍的歌曲可能你们都听过哦!这首《我们来摇滚》是1994年美国世界杯的主题曲,后来也被广泛应用于体育赛事之中。  Buddy,you’re a boy make a big noise.  Playing in the streets gonna be a big man some day.  You got mud on your face.  You big disgrace